среда, 12 февраля 2020 г.


Sending you some dough today, you can allocate the resources to this project. Hi Sorry going through a busy time in office. Yes I analyzed the solution. Looks like they gave up. If I recall correctly, he said that if you own the theme, you could message him to ask for a preview version for testing the BS4 update. smartadmin bootstrap

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Here is another link to view it, but seems you cant buy from boitstrap either as it redirects back to wrapbootstrap: Asked 11 months ago. Either he's just not interested in giving any explanation or something bad may have happened to him. Very frustrating that it seems to have all been lost now. No Overlay Removes mesh on menu reveal.

It seems that Wrapbootstrap SmartAdmin template is now no longer available. All he did was make the theme unavailable. Perelx Perelx 2 2 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Hide Info Card Hides info card from left panel. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer smaftadmin requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count.

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I was seriously looking forward to the update for Bootstrap 4. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: You guys go ahead, I have to call some of my patients.

Anybody know if this template will come back under new packaging? How do we handle problem users? I'll keep using it.

smartadmin bootstrap

Codex Lantern Thanks for the file! If I recall correctly, he said that if you own the theme, you could message him to ask for a preview version for testing the BS4 update.

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Live Feeds Live Stats Revenue. Smarhadmin Inside preloader will be inside content. Hide Navigation Icons invisible navigation icons.

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John Cook PhD Away. Looks like they gave up. I also noticed the same. Thank you for your interest in this question. Hey Tracey, did you get my files? I bought the template and referenced back to it every now and then. Boxed Layout Encapsulates to a container.

SmartAdmin - The Ultimate Multipurpose Admin Template | GrayGrids

Lisa Hatchensen Hey did you meet the new board of director? It will require some resource, which I could not manage.

smartadmin bootstrap

Active 10 months ago. But it gave a lot of us a scare. Clean Page Background adds more whitespace.

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